“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
― Ernest Hemingway
My latest book is here!
Flight: A Story of Hope & Love
As told to Deborah Hansen by
Tammy LeeAnne
Flight: A Story of Hope and Love is the true story of a devastating loss that threatened the life of the person telling it now. Tammy LeeAnne met her love on a flight to Rome, a man who showed up in her life unexpectedly, a man who soon became her life in ways she didn’t know she needed. What happened next was just as unexpected and took her to the brink of suicide. And then her love showed her that death is not the end. This is the message of hope she is compelled to share with you now.
Bacon-Wrapped Haiku:
Capturing the Moments

Click the book cover
for more information and to order!
Broken Strings:
Wisdom For Divorced And Separated Families
Now part of the permanent Local Authors' Collection
at the Main Library of the
Jacksonville Public Library!
All books are now available through Amazon and other online book retailers.
2018: Published in Breathe Free Press , Runcible Spoon , and Burning House Press.
Parent column, “Building Kids of Character,” appears monthly in First Coast Parent Magazine.
Regular contributor to Women’s Digest in Jacksonville, Florida (No longer being published)
Has provided website articles to attorneys on divorced parenting issues.
Guest Columnist, Florida Times-Union.
Curriculum writer, Principle Woods, Inc., Jacksonville, Fl: PW Impact! A teen literacy curriculum.
Curriculum writer, Young People’s Press, San Diego, CA: Author of Character in Everything, a standards-based character education curriculum using multi-cultural literature.
All work on this site is copyrighted material.