A Fork in the Road
A fork in the road only has meaning if both paths are recognized. Very often, one of the paths is not evident, the circumstances of our lives obscuring the new road ahead. The stuff of our everyday lives lays scattered on the ground like leaves, hiding the outlines of a new path, one that might take us into frightening new realms.
Or paradise.
"If you have fearful thought, do not share it with someone who is weak; whisper it to your saddle-bow, and ride on singing." King Alfred of Wessex (849-899)
I don't have a saddle-bow (I don't even know what it is, to be honest), but good King Alfred's message is clear.
We all have enough to carry around each day without hearing grousing about what's bothering someone else. Our intentions by "sharing" are not meant to cause distress, of course. And there is value in getting other perspectives and opinions.
But, I believe we often simply want to transfer the payload to someone else. And if the receiver is struggling under the weight of his own daily bundle of fun, the crash could be ugly.
All because we SHARED.
Today, if the opportunity arises, check on that saddle-bow and keep singing. Or simply LISTEN.
It Never Stops
"What if each of us were motivated by curiosity instead? Or generosity? Perhaps we could learn to see possibility instead of risk. What if we took and finished online classes because we could, not because there are assignments, tests, and a certificate?" Seth Godin
Yes, what if? When I was teaching, my students were astounded that I actually had lessons planned AFTER final grades had been submitted.....but there was still school left!
"WHYYYYYY??" they wanted to know.
Uh, well, because there is so much neat stuff to learn, of course!
I can (kind of) get students thinking this, but don't you find many adults with that same mindset? Unless there is a tangible reward of some kind, they aren't interested in challenging their current world view in any way.
I think that's sad.
Check out Seth's blog here: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2018/02/what-motivates-you.html
An Acre of Diamonds
As my daughter moved into adulthood, I encouraged her to be her own boss, working at something that was meaningful to her personally. I've advised many young people to follow that path, since they are often still single, with no children to clothe and feed, and they simply have less to lose if they later decide that isn't for them.
But I believe it's NEVER too late to break away from a life of the mundane, trudging off to a job every day that you hate or that provides you no joy.
And I seldom advise anyone to follow a path I haven't already taken. Twice in my adult life, I have walked away from a "sure thing," a steady paycheck, insurance, and the knowledge that in all likelihood I could return the next day even if I hated where I was going.
The cost simply became too high for me. Once, when I discovered the organization was engaging in unethical practices with money and then again when I looked in the mirror and admitted that what I was doing every day was no longer making any difference to anyone. Mostly me.
Where is YOUR Acre of Diamonds hidden?
Excerpt from Simple Abundance,
by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Throwing Rocks
"The road is smooth. Why do you throw rocks before you?" Ancient Expression
You know these people, don't you?
It seems as if they are surrounded by drama. Daily. Moment by moment. They might even create some when things are going well in their lives.
Does this describe YOU? Allow yourself a few moments today--alone and in enough quiet to listen to your heart--to assess this.
Are you bored when things seem to be calm? Do you need to be in constant motion? If the answer is YES!, the next question is WHY?

....and it's NOT stressing if you somehow can't find the color vase you had in mind for the simple display of flowers!
A few months ago, I tackled cupboards and drawers filled with unused STUFF. I threw things away and donated BOXES of clutter. It's amazing how that also eliminates clutter in your mind, too!
Image and excerpt from Simple Abundance, by Sarah Ban Breathnach